Tibetan Buddhist Art, Brocade Craft Tibetan Thangka- Buddha Sakyamuni/Gautama Buddha
Tibetan Buddhist Art Thangkas
Tibetan and Nepali Buddha thangka paintings and tapestries that were originally designed for contemplative experience are very helpful for mindful meditation and for getting you into the "zone". They are also great for boosting fertility, healing a broken heart, and are as helpful as lucky charms improving for the success of Feng Shui for career.
According to Fengh Shui, keeping paintings of Lord Buddha increase the flow of Chi and bring prosperity and great fortune. Buddha Paintings are also a symbol of innocence and bliss. Paintings of Lord Buddha is also considered as a shield against sorrow and negative energy.
Therefore, welcoming Buddha in your living space can help you attain them. Even just displaying a simple likeness of him will do wonders to help circulate beneficial chi. It's not a requirement to be a Buddhist in order to own a painting of him