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Everything About Feng Shui

The “Tao Hua” or Peach Blossoms Locations of 2021 →
Natal Tao Hua or Natal Peach Blossoms Location Natal Tao Hua or Natal Peach Blossoms Luck is the most powerful and effective peach blossoms luck for a person. The location...

What is Obsidian? →
Obsidian is a common black gemstone and volcanic lava. It is a naturally occurring gemstone. It is usually black. It also has different colors such as red, blue and green....

Five Feng Shui Tips When You Purchase a House!!! →
Because of the cultural differences between China and the United States, the constructor usually didn’t consider feng shui related factors at the beginning of the construction. In addition, feng shui-related...

What's the Relationship between Colors and Feng Shui Five Elements →
In Feng Shui, different colors have different meanings and effect. From the perspective of the four directions and five elements of Feng Shui, each of the four directions of the...