As we all know, 2021 is the year of Ox and it is the “Ben Ming Nian” to the people who was born in Ox year. Let’s talk something you should know about “Ben Ming Nian”.
1. What and when is Ben Ming Nian?
Ben Ming Nian is the Chinese Zodiac Birth Year, which refers to years sharing the same Chinese zodiac sign with one's birth year. 12 zodiac animal years are regarded as a cycle in Chinese lunar calendar, so every 12 years, people will encounter their Ben Ming Nian. In other words, when people are at the ages of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 and even 84, they are actually experiencing their Chinese zodiac birth year. One person may go through seven to eight zodiac years in a life time.
2. It is a Chinese zodiac bad luck year.
In folklore, it is a very popular superstition that people's zodiac year of birth is an unlucky year, so it is also called Threshold Years, which means a year with a lot of obstacles in life. Why is Ben Ming Nian considered ominous? It is said that starting from the Chinese New Year of one's year of birth, people will offend 'Tai Sui', a mysterious power or celestial body that could control people's fortune. Impacted by this power, people will suffer either exultation or misery during that year.
3. What does Ben Ming Nian brings to people?
Generally speaking, there are just more and greater changes in the Chinese zodiac year of birth than in other years, and people are likely to suffer misfortune and adversity such as disease, financial loss, extramarital affairs and disputes with others. However, Ben Ming Nian is not always ominous, for people are also offered challenges and opportunities. If they can take advantage of them, they will make great accomplishments. A change to one's fate to ensure the predomination of good fortune requires both efforts and a firm belief.
4. How to Avoid Good Luck in One's Ben Ming Nian?
Although it seems that people in their Ben Ming Nian are surrounded by crisis, there are effective ways to diminish the negative impacts.
The most popular way to avoid miserable events is to wear red underwear, red waist belt and red socks, which are believed able to suppress the evil spirits. In case of being set up by bad guys, people can also get a pair of red shoe-pads, which may trample everything dishonorable.
However, these stuff must be purchased by families or friends. If the one buys those items themselves, the function will be greatly reduced. Due to Chinese people's special affection for red, thus redness has become the token of festivities, success, bravery, rightness, and prosperity.

Talismans like jade bracelet and crystal necklace are also useful to defend personal safety. Jade, crystal and gold possess psychic power, which help to appeal to good luck. If these accessories designed in Pixiu image, it would be much more auspicious. Pixiu is a mythical creature who can bring people wealth and suppress the evil.
We are glad to help you find the perfect accessories to bring good luck in your Ben Ming Nian!
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